Port-Trade är en pålitlig partner. Vi levererar behovsanalyser, ger konsultrådgivning i samband med köp och försäljning, vi levererar nya och begagnade kranar, skapar tillståndsrapporter, lagstadgade besiktningar och reparationer. En komplett och anpassad kundservice är en avgörande del av Port-Trade’s affärskoncept.
vår erfarenhet - din fördel
Kontakta Oss
30 års erfarenhet
med frakt och
frakthantering utrustning
Vad vi gör
Ledande Tillverkare
Port-Trade builds on long term relationships with leading European manufacturers, who offer
complementary product ranges enabling us to offer comprehensive solutions. In collaborating,
Port-Trade brings many years’ practical experience to the table, helping manufacturers to
define and refine their products. Main focus is always to achieve efficient and practical equipment solutions. -
Norra Europa och vidare
Port-Trade operates in the entire Nordic region and provides new and preowned equipment for
cargo handling in ports and terminals. For industrial and mining applications, Port-Trade provides a
range of mobile bulk handling equipment. Services and professional inspections are part of our
Professional brokering of purchase and sale of preowned equipment extends beyond Northern
Europe and projects we implemented projects in diverse locations, extending from Puerto Rico to
Egypt and Finland and from Montenegro to Svalbard and Newfoundland. -
Kompletta Lösningar
Port-Trade is an independent company with many years’ practical, international experience in
cargo and materials handling. We carry out analyses of customer’s true needs and propose
efficient and practically viable equipment solutions. Our focus is on customer benefits and we work
based on mutual trust, without undue obligations.
Port-Trade cultivates long-term relationships and in order to maintain reliable and efficient
operations of equipment, we offer regular service contracts and professional inspections.
We are proud of a strong track record of and many international references who, we are sure, will
be happy to provide prospective customers with their experience