Video presentation of the 500 t/h Cimbria shiploader
(right-click to download): 5Mb | 14Mb
Link to sales spec. on the 500 t/h Cimbria shiploader:
Cimbria pdf
Used shiploader offered for sale by Port-Trade
LKAB subsidiary company Minelco decided to close their olivine mine in Greenland and sell two used shiploaders:
– 2.000 t/h shiploader (now sold).
– 500 t/h shiploader. The shiploader is in a good operational condition.
It is dismantled and stored in containers, ready for delivery from Denmark to the next owner.
The shiploaders have since 2006 operated at Fiskefjord, 90 km north of Nuuk, in a mild, pollution free and
non-corrosive environment.
Detailed information is available from Port-Trade’s website. Please see Used Equipment.

Video presentation of the 2000 t/h Samson shiploader
(right-click to download): 23Mb | 84Mb
Link to sales spec. on the 2000 t/h Samson shiploader:
Samson pdf